All volunteers must apply for RMA Clearance. Click here for Instructions.
The Hillwood Soccer Club is a volunteer run organization and welcomes your interest. Knowledge of soccer is not a requirement for volunteering. Many important volunteers share their organizational skills, with little knowledge of the game to help the club and its teams. It is the work of volunteers that makes soccer available to our children.
Individuals interested in obtaining volunteer/service hours should contact the Club at hillwoodsoccer@hillwoodsoccer.com.

Current Open Volunteer Positions
- Newsletter Editor
- Registrar
- Mod Coordinator
- Macro Coordinator
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Field Lining/Nets
Team Level Volunteer Information
Teams need coaches, especially the younger teams. An extensive knowledge of soccer is not required to start your coaching career! Club resources are available to help you get started.
Each team also needs a manager and/or parent coordinator to do things like make phone calls, sign up parents to bring after-game treats, and arrange the team’s end-of-the-year event.
Each team must also provide the name of a club volunteer and U9 and above teams must provide at least one name of a licensed referee to the SYSA referee pool.
Families should plan to commit at least 2 hours of help during the season. Encourage your child to practice soccer whenever possible. Passing and dribbling alone or in small groups helps learn ball control skills and builds confidence needed during games.
Club Level Volunteer Information
There are 15 to 20 volunteer roles that operate the whole soccer club – president, vice president, treasurer, registrars, coach’s and manager’s reps, SYSA reps, league and equipment coordinators, etc. There are still positions to be filled this year, and there will be positions to be filled at the end of this year. Please contact us at hillwoodsoccer@hillwoodsoccer.com for a full list of roles and their duties and time commitments. We need your help.