Manager Information

The job you do for Hillwood Soccer Club is very important. Thank you for taking the time to complete what is necessary and returning it to Hillwood. The information the club receives from each team helps registrars efficiently place players on teams.

The Team Manager plays a critically important role as the organizer and central contact for each Hillwood team. Team Managers handle and coordinate all team matters (except coaching) and serve as a contact between the team’s parents, coaches and the club. As the team representative, Managers must attend all manager meetings. If you are unable to attend you are responsible to have someone from your team attend as a substitute.

It is important to note that each team may choose how they handle the many tasks it takes to run the team. It is also important that the Team Manager and the Coach work together to identify who is doing what for the benefit of the entire team. As a team Manager you may choose to delegate responsibilities, yet ultimately it would still be your main responsibility to know who is doing what and that each volunteer knows what needs to be done and when the deadlines are for the particular task.


Be an enthusiastic supporter at all games. Set a positive example on the sidelines.

If you are no longer affiliated or unable to register your team please give this paperwork/information to the person who will be responsible for registering the team or contact Hillwood.

The first and most important responsibility of the team manager is to make sure all of last years’ team players are contacted about registration. Registration for the season (Fall) opens in May. There is a manager’s meeting before registration opens. Please use the roster of from the previous year to inform the player/family. After you have an idea of who will be, won’t be returning forward that information to the registrars. Please notify Hillwood if you’re unable to reach a player.

Anyone helping, all Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Manager and Trainers with the team must register online every season.

Additional Team Manager Registration Responsibilities

  • Assist parents with online registration if necessary.
  • Make sure all returning players are registered
  • Complete and turn in the following forms by TBD

All age groups

  • Team information
  • Roster updates
  • Player Medical Release Packet


  • Jersey request
  • Practice field request

U9 and above

  • Referee
  • Field Request

U10 and above

  • Uniforms orders

Fill out the appropriate forms for your age group and return completed forms along with last season’s roster to Hillwood by TBD.


US Mail: Hillwood PO Box 60226, Shoreline WA 98160

Non-Registration Responsibilities

The responsibilities of team managers go beyond registration. Here are some of those responsibilities and other tasks and roles that volunteers can assume to help out the team.


What is very important is that ALL parents receive the SAME information.
There are a variety of way is which teams communicate. It is helpful if the team is able to identify a calendar of events for the entire season. Another helpful item is to develop a “phone/email tree” in the event of a change of schedule or if information needs to get out quickly. Each family should have a roster of the names, phone numbers and emails of all team players and parents. Also always remember to check the Hillwood Website for updates.

Many teams utilize social media including team oriented groups on the internet.
Here are some ways to contact us.
Phone: 206-542-3353
Mail address: PO Box 60226 Shoreline, WA. 98160


Hillwood recommends each team have a parent meeting before the season begins. It should include information about uniforms, camps, tournaments (with dates) that are for team consideration, anticipated expenses, and what the schedule “may” look like for the team. It will give the parents a “feel” about the team and what their commitment will be. It is also a good opportunity for the parents to learn more about the coaches and the expectations as well as how they can help throughout the year. This is a good time to have parents sign up for volunteer positions. This varies according to team size and whether responsibilities are shared or delegated. Some duties may include, uniforms, snacks, end of season party/gifts, pictures, schedules, team communication, etc.
Get everyone involved with the team.


Financial issues need to be addressed up front with the parents. It is difficult to establish how
much a team will need to collect from parents. Parents are responsible for registration fees and
uniforms (U10 and above). There are other expenses that may need to be considered. These
might include equipment for practice, postage, first aid kits, patches, extra team shirts, balls,
team training, tournament, field rental, end of season event, etc. Keep in mind that our goal is to
keep kids playing soccer. If your team chooses to add on many expensive extras, you may have
players that cannot afford this program. This is not keeping with the Hillwood philosophy and
teams should consider the effect on all players when making these decisions.
Some teams open checking accounts. Keep good records. Copies of checks should be kept and
parents should be aware of the standing of the account during the season. Keep a balance sheet
on income and expense plus the running balance. Have two people sign on checks.


Each team is required to have a medical release form for each player. Make at least 2 copies one for coach and one for manager. They should be kept in notebook or plastic bag and available at ALL practices and games. This form is available on the Hillwood Website. Last year’s form can be updated and resigned.


Hillwood encourages teams to participate in Tournaments. Teams improve and have a lot of fun
participating in tournaments. Information about tournaments can be found on the SYSA and WSYSA websites.
SYSA sponsors the U10 Jamboree and City Tournament for U11 and above teams.


There are several volunteer Board positions as well as small tasks that require help within the
Hillwood Organization.

Board Positions

The following Board positions are currently open:

Community Outreach


SYSA Representative

Team Manager Representative

One time Volunteer, Pictures, Distribute equipment, etc.

If you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions contact the Hillwood Soccer Club President at .