Team Formation

A head coach and one assistant may choose to coach together and can have their child play for their team if cleared through the registrar. Coaches may not invite a player even to practice with a team until the child has officially registered. A player is not considered a team member until the registrar has received registration, fee and proof of age.
Players registering before the deadline have priority for placement on a full team over late registrants even if the former is a new player and the latter is a returning player. HSC Regulation 1.5 will be followed. Returning players will stay on their existing teams unless it is necessary for the club to transfer players to satisfy our mission of providing an opportunity for all players to have a team. As vacancies occur by attrition or age progression, the registrar assigns new players to a team. Team size varies by age. The registrars will try to fill the teams as quickly as possible. Teams needing players may find players that are not currently playing Hillwood Soccer to fill your age group. Registrars try to honor these requests, but cannot always do so.
In forming new teams (e.g. U10) or merging teams (e.g. 3 U10 -> 2 U11) talent will be distributed evenly if an accurate assessment of talent is available from impartial observers otherwise players will be randomly allocated.
Players can only play on one WSYSA soccer team. Hillwood discourages transfers. If a player chooses to not return to their last year’s team, they will be randomly placed on teams in their age group. Transfer forms will be requested.
Disputes will be resolved by the Registrar, President and Commissioner.