August Hillwood Newsletter

Big thanks to everyone who attended the Hillwood Day at the OL Reign this past weekend. Let’s do more things like that! It’s terrific to see Hillwood come together as a community. I thought about how nice it is to see how we progress through the club. Players start playing as early as U6 on separate teams, but then each year, teams will add players, merge, reshuffle to balance teams, eventually end up in a gold uniform, and finally on a single u17 team. But even from the micro league teams, we are one club, one community…Hillwood Soccer Club.
Players should be starting to get contacted by coaches shortly. Coaches are just getting their finalized practice field assignments this week. Hillwood teams are officially open for practice starting as early as August 14th, but some may be starting later, depending on the coach’s plans. Some of our teams might be finalizing who is coaching or some other reason, so that could be a delay as well. Just watch your emails!

I’m excited to announce that all Hillwood Players will be getting new jerseys at no additional cost this year. That’s right, everyone. Thanks to SYSA and a partnership with a sponsor, all U10 and up players will be getting new jerseys, shorts, and socks. Yep, a full kit! We are getting enough uniforms that we anticipate to be able to supply kits to enough players for this season and next.
Hillwood Soccer Club is pleased to continue our partnership with DICKS SPORTING GOODS again this season. Below you will find a link to our coupon for 20% off during the weekend of aug 25-28. This can be used for anything in store, including back to school items.
All players must have shin guards, and U10+ players need GOLD socks to match their jerseys.
BALL SIZES by age group: U6-U8- SIZE 3, U9-U12- SIZE 4, U13+ SIZE 5
Remember that games will be starting the weekend after Labor Day, the weekend of September 9th. We are endeavoring to get the micro team scheduled by the coaches meeting on August 30th. Coaches, check your spam inbox if you have not seen that email. Below is a link to the standard rules that Hillwood uses, as well as SYSA league game days.

Big reminder as we come up to games. Aside from medical bracelets, NO JEWELRY is to be worn by players during a game. They shouldn’t be worn in practices, either. It’s good to be in the habit. Every year we have issues between players/parents and Referees enforcing this rule which, aside from safety, is an insurance compliance issue. Even if the player “just got their earrings in,” they cannot be worn during games. My goal is to make sure it is never a Hillwood player/parent/coach that gives the Referee the difficult experience.
Even if there is no official referee for the game, as in many of the micro-games, I ask you to internally enforce this rule the same with each other.
Please leave your pets at home! Dogs are not allowed on any school field in Shoreline or Seattle. This includes Shoreline A/B. We need to be good guests and stewards of the fields we use for games and practices, or it can result in our loss of access to those fields. If you have family or friends coming to watch your child play, please be sure they know this rule as well, and leave their pets at home.
When I started coaching, one of the biggest surprises to me was discovering how many players had never even seen a professional soccer match on television. Watching soccer live or on TV is a great way for a young player to start understanding the strategy and how all the little tips we give them lead to grand pictures. So, I just wanted to remind everyone that The Women’s World Cup is happening in Australia. If your player hasn’t had a chance to watch, please get them to watch these upcoming games over the next ten days. Truly wonderful soccer.

Refereeing is a great way for kids and adults who enjoy soccer to make a little extra money. Official referees for U10 and above can be some of the best pay kids can get before they hit 16 years old. It’s even a great way to learn more about the game. Refereeing is how I started getting involved in youth soccer locally. I loved it because I could pick my schedule, work close by, and develop a better understanding of the game. And yes, we all hear stories of bad treatment of referees. I will say from experience as a ref over the last five years that it doesn’t happen nearly as much as discussed.
If you want to learn more about how to become a licensed referee, check out this link:
Q: Did you hear about the soccer player who lived past 100 years old?
A: He’s still alive and kicking.
Q: Why are the dirty kids so good at soccer?
A: Because they are Messi.
Q: What football club do sheep like?
A: Baaaaaaaaa-rcelona.
Okay, I’ll stop now.
Silas Lindenstein
Hillwood Soccer Club President
Hillwood Soccer Club is committed to fostering a welcoming environment through a diverse, equitable and inclusive game. We celebrate every race, gender and background to unite as one community. We believe meaningful action can positively affect important change in our sport and carry over into our everyday lives.
Inclusion in sport means that everyone in our diverse community, regardless of their gender, age, race, culture, religion, or sexual orientation is afforded opportunities to participate.