Washington Youth Soccer and US Youth Soccer group players by age to ensure a fair and competitive playing environment.
All players on a team need to be under (abbreviated by “U”) the required age on July 31st of that year. Note that the age grouping does not match completely with the Shoreline Public School age calendar. It occasionally happens that a child may not be able to play with the other children in their school grade. This usually happens when a child has a birthday in August or September.
Your child may ONLY register for his/her appropriate age. Even if he/she played up last year. Age level adjustments will be made by the registrar. Make requests in the comment area when registering.
Age Verification for Fall Soccer:
All Players participating on an SYSA team for Fall soccer must be age verified to be eligible to play.
If you are a returning player, and think you have previously submitted proof of age, click the small button to the right of the Birth Certificate upload space. If you ARE already age verified, this will allow you to proceed without uploading again.
If you are NOT age verified in the system, you will be required to upload either the players birth certificate or passport before you can proceed with registration. Once you are verified in the system, you will not need to submit again.
Follow this link to determine your child’s age group.